How to fix distorted speakers
How to fix distorted speakers

Also, speakers can crackle when the too powerful amplifier powers them, and in effect, voice coils try to move the cone beyond its limit. Another reason for the speakers to crackle is damaged voice coils that can get in contact with the magnet. If there is no audible distortion at lower volumes, there's probably nothing wrong with your speakers, but if you want to play this loud it would not harm to shop for a different pair of speakers and, depending on their sensitivity, a bigger amp. Car speakers are crackling mainly due to the bad connection between the speaker and the amplifier. Long story short: In a lot of cases an amplifier will reach it's maximum power long before you reach 5 o clock on the volume dial, usually it's around 12 or 1 oclock, but it could easily be sooner if your CD player has even higher voltage output, or there is even more voltage gain in the chain, usually between a pre and poweramplifier. There is also the possibility that 11 o-clock on your amplifier is actually pushing it close to it's limit: Most amplifiers have input sensitivities of between 250 and 350 mV, while most CD players put out 2V.

how to fix distorted speakers how to fix distorted speakers

You are certainly pushing those monitor audio's to (or over) their limits. Click to expand.100dB is loud, very loud, if you have measured ths on the listening spot, you are probably putting out a few dB more in reality, depending on distance.

How to fix distorted speakers